Monday 30 May 2011

Summer's arrived !

Hello from a sunny, sultry Toronto. Our visitors flew away last Wednesday (and we could actually see their plane pass over us here) so now it feels like we're here for real. Although there was quite a lot of rain while Gemma and Andy were here I think they had a good time; they certainly got to know their way round some of the pubs in town! But we also had some more cultural outings and we even tried a trip out of town to a beach resort on Georgian Bay, about an hour and a half from here, but it was just an empty beach. The few shops there were mostly closed, we couldn't have bought a bucket and spade even if we wanted to! Plus it was windy and cold - so apologies to the 'guinea pig' visitors. By the time anyone else comes we'll have done a bit more research! 
Wasaga Beach

We had a good day at Niagara, riding the Maid of the Mist of course, which was fun even though we'd all done it before. The day started cloudy but while we had a good 'Hard Rock' lunch the rain came down. The car was a long walk away and as 2 of us had not kept our blue plastic coveralls that meant 2 of us got very wet. By the time we began to leave Niagara, steaming in the car, the fog had come down so low we could hardly see across the street! But as we drove up the valley we found ourselves in glorious sunshine so we enjoyed lovely views of the Niagara River.
Alcona Beach
Although we thought we had left in plenty of time we got into terrible Bank Holiday traffic and we were trying to get back for the baseball match. It looked as though we were going to be very late to meet Marian and Phil. Instead of getting back in time to relax with a cup of tea we just had time to pick up our tickets from the apartment and jump in the subway. But all was well and it was great fun seeing Marian and Phil. I even had the obligatory hot dog and beer. We sat and chatted while trying to take in the finer (!) points of rounders - oops - I mean baseball. Andy had to show ID at the beer stall to prove he was old enough to buy it - Gemma had no ID on her so couldn't prove she was over 25! Lucky her. No drunken yobs here. Anyway the Blue Jays lost to the Houston Astros so the crowd just left in droves before the end. Of course there aren't away fans as such because the distances the teams travel are just too big for them to follow. 
On Saturday the weather was lovely so we went down to the lakeshore and found everyone else had the same idea. This was a real holiday weekend and there were crowds everywhere but it was a pleasant atmosphere. It seemed that between the crowds who left for their country cottages and those who were on the lakeshore there could be no one left in the city. Sunday was a relaxed day with lunch out again. We left Gemma and Andy in town with Orla and Harvey touring the local hostelries. Needless to say that was a late night!
Monday was Victoria Day - named so in gratitude to Her Majesty for starting Canada on the road to independence, apparently. Almost everything was shut so it was a peaceful day. Just as well, as there were one or two hangovers in the apartment. We were eventually able to celebrate Gemma's birthday, quietly. On Tuesday Gemma and Andy took us for dinner to the local Baton Rouge which was fabulous. They really know how to cook meat here. As far as eating out's concerned here we have really enjoyed the food and it's good value. On Wednesday I went to the Islands with them and we could see that the beaches there would attract great crowds. It's odd being on beaches here because of course you don't get smells associated with salt spray or seaweed so it's not as energising as being by tidal, salt water. That evening we took them to the airport and had to say goodbye again.
Since then I've been on a Toronto Newcomers' Walk around a part of town where they've managed to keep their Victorian streets intact. So refreshing. On Saturday, Eamonn and I went into town to visit some buildings as part of the Doors Open weekend. We saw some very interesting things and the camera was working overtime! 
'Waterfall' by Derek Besant
One tile of the waterfall
I am now completely up to date with Corrie and The Apprentice and we're dipping into other goodies from home. We have also made our 8th trip to Ikea and it won't be the last!
Canada Life and South African War Memorial
Outside Children's Hospital
I'm beginning to think that the dandelion could be the state flower. They certainly have a terrible problem with them  here. Someone told me that weedkiller was banned in the city 2 years ago so their main way of controlling them is just by mowing them. In a year like this there was very little time between the snow disappearing and the growing season so there's not much time to get rid of them I suppose. 
Canadian sayings about the Family:
The gene pool around here could use a little chlorine (applies to Jeremy Kyle show participants).

My grandfather's dog ran through your grandmother's yard once ( we're distantly related).

The front of our building facing east

'The 12th Juror' outside the Law Courts
 Do let us know if you fancy coming to stay - don't be shy! I know the airfare and jetlag don't help but there'll be a warm welcome!

<---------------  Our apartment on the west face. 

Thursday 19 May 2011

Thursday 19th May: The nest is ready and visitors have arrived!

Hello everyone, it's good to be back in touch again.We had a frantic time getting this apartment ready, not just for us, but for our first visitors too. In all, we made 6 trips to Ikea and, in 2 weeks, Eamonn put together 2 sofas, one ottoman, one dining table, 4 dining chairs, 3 storage cabinets for the sitting room, a side table, 2 double beds (one with drawers), 4 bedside cabinets, a stool and a chest of drawers. Being flat-packs of course this generated a mountain of packing material and cardboard which had to be taken down to the refuse area. Eamonn's hands now have plenty of time to recover. By the way, for those of you thinking of coming there are also 2 guest suites in the building if we couldn't fit you in! Our guest bedroom is what you'd call cosy but the bed is very comfortable.

It took a few days to get the tv and internet organised but we were sorted by the time Gemma and Andy arrived. We're now enjoying British tv via the internet thanks to considerable electronic wizardry; I have been on a marathon Corrie catch-up and am nearly there. Gemma has kept me supplied with discs and now I can get the rest from the internet. She and Andy arrived last Saturday with a peculiar assortment of items that we requested, and a surprise copy of the BBC's Royal Wedding DVD and a commemorative Hello magazine! They have been out and about but both have been here before which helps. We all watched Eurovision live on Saturday afternoon while they got over their jet lag, praying Ireland wouldn't win!
Gemma likes being useful
Glen Gould - pianist
Spring has finally come, there are tulips everywhere and suddenly everything is green, but there's been a lot of rain which is disappointing for Gemma and Andy but they have dodged it well and the sun is now out and we're looking forward to a bright Bank Holiday weekend here - Monday is Victoria Day and Gemma's birthday. Eamonn's taking a couple of days off to make it a long weekend too so we have some ideas for going further afield. We're also meeting friends from home at a baseball match tomorrow: Toronto Blue Jays versus Houston Astros. The prairie states are now getting high temperatures and wild fires following floods because of rain and snow melt. This continent must be a weather man's dream but it sounds like a tough region to live in.
At last I've found myself a very good hairdresser after dreading the search. She trained in London (at Vidal Sassoon's) and was really friendly and helpful, suggesting a local dentist and giving advice on registering with a GP. So to celebrate I bought 2 pairs of shoes and 2 more cushions!

In the week before we moved I went on a tour of an Inuit art exhibition at the Art Gallery of Ontario and a Railway Heritage walk in town with the Newcomers Club. Both were very interesting and there were several Brits on the walk which involved visiting a brewery (!) and of course we had to sample some at 11.30 in the morning! I have been back to the AGO yesterday with Gemma and Andy and I love it. I can see I'll be spending lots of time there, especially in the winter!


Last night we all went bowling with our young friends Orla and Harvey. We all had a good laugh and managed not to pull any muscles. That'll be another activity we'll probably do more of in the winter. Eamonn did very well! We still haven't tried the gym and pool downstairs yet but we will!  
Have a look at our little pad, we'll be delighted to have more visitors! 

Spot the Bear!

Saturday 7 May 2011

May 7th Doris Day!!

West View from Doris
Hello all. Just a mini blog today as I'm supposed to be packing and cleaning before we leave here. We'll be off line for a few days until the internet is activated in our new place on Doris Avenue. You can still email us but I'll be using a wifi spot in the building or at the coffee shop, like all the students, until the middle of the week, plus Eamonn can pick up emails on his phone. We'll also be without tv for a few days too - we haven't even bought one yet but hope to have it all sorted before G and A come  - next Saturday, exciting! Eamonn's currently building the furniture - he's quite enjoying it really and I help a bit but it's hard work. Appeals to his caveman side I think, thank goodness all that Meccano and Lego training has paid off! The guest bed was too big so had to go back, bit of a performance with lifts etc. Have had 2 big shopping sessions at Ikea - phew! and were not done yet. But the new sofa has passed the nap test. zzzzzzz

Just a quick summary of last couple of weeks: saw James Blunt - fab, sobbed through Royal Wedding - aaah, perfect; shipment arrived - 35 year old tat from home! - got to find places to put it now. Been on a very good art tour at the Art Gallery of Ontario and a heritage walk in town. Tell you more later. Spring has finally arrived, yay! So must get clearing up. Chat soon, with love, Mary and Eamonn xx